Practice #18: Radio Therapy par Martín Rodríguez

practice #18: radio therapy by martín rodríguez
saturday, october 21st, 4pm, free entry
never apart
7049 saint-urbain
we would like all guests to be able to participate, so pls arrive on time. seating is limited and first come, first served.
radio therapy: a meditation on healing.
musician and sound artist martín rodríguez guides listeners in a meditation on healing processes that are not the stereotypical peaceful, glowing, warm processes we may be conditioned to imagine. inspired by his experiences with chemotherapy and radiation, rodríguez opens us to the more aggressive modes of healing that are necessary for transformation. working the spontaneous sounds from the radio from an unknowable intensity into a soothing and battling ambiance, rodríguez speaks to the uncertainty of recovery and remission that are part of healing.
this meditation is inspired by his work entitled radio therapy, developed as an original way of producing music for rodríguez during cancer treatments, and as an embodiment of his healing process. the vibrational resonance of this work takes on symbolic importance and acts to reach participants and unify through shared sound waves, rhythmically pulsing through our bodies.
radio therapy is produced by harnessing radio frequencies through a transducer that is attached to a standalone guitar. the transducer forces the whole body of the guitar to vibrate. the resulting sound is a blend of musical notes, and scanned am radio frequencies resonating through the body of the guitar and passing through a chain of manipulated sound effects to then reach and resound throughout the room. this meditation offers a space for participants to face their own difficulties and ease into welcoming the burden of transformation through a sonic narrative.
for more information on martín rodríguez, see here:
practice is an investigation of the capability of sound to induce different transcendental states of awareness and being. through a series of noise sets, practice explores the experiential application of theories underpinning the transformational properties of sound, such as cymatics, music therapy, sound healing, brain entrainment, and binaural-beat perception.
each session features a noise artist, who, informed by their own knowledge of sound, creates a immersive set intended to bend consciousness. listeners are encouraged to embrace a receptive, meditative attitude during sets.
we don’t mind if you’re new or old to noise or meditation.
if you’re curious to be engaged, to open yourself to new experiences and to hear some noise, then join us.
we have yoga mats available to use and listeners are invited to bring their own sitting paraphernalia if they please.
never apart is a non-profit organization in montréal, québec, canada, determined to bring about social change and spiritual awareness through cultural programming with global reach and impact.
more info on practice, here:
and here:
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