
COVID-19 Safety Measures

After pivoting to an online program in order to quickly respond to COVID-19, the Never Apart team is working hard to prepare the center and its facilities to welcome you back, while also providing a safe and enjoyable visitor experience. We missed you, and look forward to having you back!

In accordance with the recommendations issued by the CNESST (Commission des normes, de l’équité, de la santé et de la sécurité au travail), Centre Never Apart has implemented the following measures to ensure the safety of visitors and employees:

A limited number of visitors are being admitted at the same time to ensure that the required 2 meter distancing is maintained. A security staff will be monitoring capacity, and ask you to wait in line outside if necessary, respecting the floor marks indicating the 2 meter distance.

Face coverings are mandatory for visitors, please bring your own. If you forget your face covering, we will provide you with one for free.

Face coverings are mandatory for our employees.

Hand sanitizing is mandatory for everyone at the center’s entrance, disinfecting stations will be available.

Visitors must follow the designated one-way route through the galleries. Follow the signs on the floor.

A plexiglas barrier has been installed at the Entrance Desk.

Public spaces, common surfaces and equipment are now cleaned more frequently.

Employees and visitors who do not live under the same roof must respect the 2 meter physical distancing at all times.

Employees and staff have received training to familiarize themselves with protective measures so they can better guide visitors.

The coat check is closed; we do not allow checking jackets or any extra bags.

The following facilities are closed to the public: Sun Room, Coloring Room, Permanent Collection, Archive Room, Music Room, Kitchen, Garden, Pool.

The Moon Room remains open, however the seats have been removed and visitors must circulate.

Our Tuck Shop is also closed, but if you wish to buy something, a staff member stationed nearby can assist you.

For the installation Ecological Ambisonic Recordings 001: Rainforest, the curtains remain open for visitors to look inside, but are not allowed to enter or use the headphones.

Picture: works of Yannis Davy Guibinga