NVA x POP Montréal
Legend Series: Laurie Anderson

29 SEPT, 11 h 30 – 12 h 30, Doors at 11 Never Apart
Co-presented by NVA and POP Symposium.
Limited spots for POP pass holders at the door.
Advance registration required for entry : https://popmontreal.com/fr/calendrier/spectacle/laurie-anderson-artist-talk/2019-80450
Grammy award-winning electronic music artist Laurie Anderson has been making waves in the music industry after bursting onto the UK charts in 1981, and has since inspired generations of artists and audiences with her work that encompasses music, performance art, visual art, poetry, film, and photography. Throughout her over four-decade long career, this groundbreaking creative pioneer has released seven albums to critical acclaim, invented several significant electronic instruments, was NASA’s first and only artist-in-residence, and has collaborated with an equally impressive array of artists and cultural figures, including Lou Reed, Philip Glass, Brian Eno, Peter Gabriel, William S. Burroughs, John Cage, and the Dalai Lama. We are thrilled to have her share her unique insights at this year’s POP Symposium.
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