LGBT Film Series: RESIDUE: an evening of shorts by B.G-Osborne

RESIDUE is a compilation of video works by B.G-Osborne created over the past 5 years. The selected videos are mediations of performances as well as short documentaries dealing with themes of mental illness and familial/interpersonal bonds.
LGBT Film Series – On Site Events geared to GLBT people to promote a positive lifestyle and a safe environment with unique programming and educational screenings to broaden and elevate minds while also building community.
B.G-Osborne is a Transmedia artist from rural Ontario, currently working in Montreal. Their work focuses on tensions, absences, and power in relation to fluctuating gender identities; exploring and interrogating the potential of gender-variant embodiment to serve as both a tool for gender deconstruction and revision. They graduated from NSCAD University in 2014 with a BFA in Intermedia. Osborne was previously the Curatorial Collections Practicum at the Walter Phillips Gallery in Banff and recently finished a contract as the Video Art Archive Assistant at the Art Gallery of Ontario. They are interested in the intersection of art, mental illness and gender-variant representation and decolonial methodologies in archives and repertoires.
Osborne has exhibited work in several major Canadian cities and online platforms. As an emerging artist, Osborne places great importance in showcasing their work in artist run centres and non-commercial galleries throughout Canada.
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