Spring 2019 Exhibitions Opening

Join us for the opening of our new spring exhibition at Never Apart!
The season runs from April 18th until June 29th.
Free / Bar on-site, cash only / DJ: Glowzi
➤ Age of Union
Art from the book “Age of Union” by Dax Dasilva
Jean-Sébastien Baillat, Art Director and Curator
➤ Terra Sapiens
Damian Siqueiros, LembasWorks
➤ Never Apart TV Saison/Saison 2
➤ Age of Union
Artists / Artistes:
Benoit Paillé
Neil Krug
Florence Yee
Nik Mirus
Stephane Poirier
Tess Roby
They are part of the world, soak it in, and put themselves at risk to better feel it. Artists challenge reality, filtering the world through their senses, engaging in dialogue, and participating in its transformation. Inherently, the creative act conjures a union.
Age of Union reflects a contemporary paradigm, one marked by our era’s environmental concern. Six contemporary artists engage in different practices (photography, illustration, painting, and digital media) and gather through a dozen chromatic works. You’ll find spectacular landscapes that have been tampered with, framed, or transformed. They represent an environment indelibly marked by the human hand, but also infused. Each one has been altered, containing memory, and bearing vital trace.
In curating the works that appear in both the exhibition and the book, we chose to adopt an intuitive approach over an intellectual one. Adding an important visual component to a text well-steeped in thought, these artists evoke a visceral response to the world we currently inhabit. Through their vibrant images, we may also project our view of a world we wish to inhabit. In this way, Age of Union presents immersive spaces and a radical idea: a set of intensities bound by a book.
➤ Terra Sapiens
When it comes to climate change there is an overwhelming representation of dystopian realities. Focusing only on the catastrophic effects of man-made climate change can lead to a feeling of apathy, or being overwhelmed. Without hope from a critical mass, we cannot expect to reverse the negative effects of Climate Change. Terra Sapiens aims to activate hope through the transformative potential of artistic creation, a powerful tool for emotional and interactive engagement.
Damian Siqueiros launches his “art for environmental regeneration” vision with thought-provoking artistic representations of a viable future that nurtures symbiotic Natural, Human, Collaborative and Developmental environments. In Collaboration with entertainment for impact firm, LembasWorks, the project debuts with community activating audio visual creations featuring the Terra Sapiens Collective.
Terra Sapiens’ philosophy offers a living, breathing collective organism that makes up the entity of the Earth, impacting one another in a cyclical effect. Universal principles to connect and heal natural and human habitats are expressed in ‘Homo Naturans. They create empathic pathways for dialogues on responsible innovation and development with a curation of diverse thinkers for impact in ‘Inception’. Cultural and gender equity are integrated as an essential element of the evolution of humankind in ‘Hannah and the Wolf’. At the core of the project, environmental soundscapes and eco responsible spatial designs, as in “the Forest of Regeneration”, showcase purposeful depictions of this global ideological conversation.
Terra Sapiens, hosted by Gallery Never Apart, and in partnership with LembasWorks finds alignment in creating social change, one artwork at a time.
➤ Never Apart TV: Season 2
Never Apart TV is an arts and culture news program giving a much needed voice to queer artists. Never Apart’s mission is to create positive change and unity through art, bringing people together to end separation.
Episode #1
We hear from founder Dax Dasilva about the Centre itself, travel to Los Angeles and talk with multi-disciplinary artist Lex Vaughn, Get our Wiggle on outdoors at the 519 in Toronto, speak with Hugo Huerta-Marin about his exhibition “Portrait of An Artist” and lots more!
Episode #2
We visit San Francisco Drag Legend Juanita More, Chat with our Winter Artists and learn all about the Ballroom scene with Twiggy Pucci Garcon!
Episode #3
We travel to San Francisco and visit with the Legendary Mr. David Glamamore about his prolific career, speak with filmmakers Brock Yuric and Beck Osbourne about their amazing work, visit with Pop artist Sham Ibrahim and hear from Jann Tomaro about her ongoing Sound Meditation series!
Episode #4
We chat with our Spring Artists, talk with story teller and activist Ivan Coyote and get out laugh on with the hilarious Drag Superstar Trixie Mattel!
Episode #5
We learn all about the Annual wearable art and performance festival Wiggle created by The House of Venus and celebrate the 24th year with Candis Cayne, speak with filmmaker Meera Darji about her film TransIndia and visit photographer David Belise in New York and chat about his rocking work!
Episode #6
We go behind the scenes of our 10×10 photography shoot where we dress 10 Montreal artists as famous Canadians! We then attend the annual coffee table book launch and opening in Toronto at the Gladstone hotel where we chat with the other artists and folks who made it happen! We sit down with the writers who were involved at the Blue Metropolis Literary festival in Montreal and much more!
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