Wiggle festival at the MMFA

Spend an evening celebrating the 25th anniversary of the Wiggle Festival at the MMFA, alongside the exhibition “Thierry Mugler: Couturissime.”
Featuring some of the city’s most innovative designers, performers, stylists and models for an unforgettable evening of dazzling runway and avant-garde performances.
Hosted by Cary Tauben
Bar service ($)
Act#1 at 6 p.m.
Slick Hardwood
House of Venus/ Never Apart Retro Fashion Segment
Andrew Tay
Act#2 at 7 p.m.
Never Apart Fashion Segment
Tristan Ginger
Laura Acosta and Danica Olders – The Van Go Collection
Footwear by Racine
Sound by James Benjamin
Act#3 at 8 p.m.
Evan Biddell and House of Venus Fashion Segment
Artists and Designers Fashion Segment
With Creations by:
Stéphane Scotto Di Cesare
Antonio Ortega
Jess Cohen
Natalia Baquero
Laurie Deraps
Filiz Yildiz for The Bow Jewelry
Denis Gagnon
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