Lost Love
A story of young love, interrupted by a sudden suicide, constitutes the premise of the book Lost Love. Drawing from a personal experience, tied in a wider context of inherited violence, the series offers a meditation on the brutal after-effects of such loss, the bereavement, and healing process.
Mourners experience acute grief as a paradox. Glimpses of solace are found in the act of remembering the dead, yet whilst knowing that there is ultimately no solace. The irremediable nature of loss doesn’t allow space for consolation, nor bittersweetness; one must accept to live with the presence of absence. Still, the need to materialize the abstract, yet very real nature of absence is pressing. Thus memories, souvenirs, gestures, rituals, and words become means to do so.
Lost Love presents a journey through grief, filled with an amalgam of acts of remembrance. As both suicide and trauma are disruptions of one’s natural cycle, the survivors’ challenge is to find ways to restore it.
Hence, the book is not constructed solely as a eulogy for the dead, but rather as a testament for the living – a gesture towards breaking away from the legacy of trauma.
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