Best Of: Black Excellence
I had the pleasure of exhibiting for Centre Never Apart’s 2020 Winter Exhibitions.
I initially met Michael Venus in 2019 at the gorgeous Mugler opening in Musée des beaux-arts de Montréal.
Our friend Leon happened to be performing the next evening at Never Apart.
(a performance that I missed and am still sad about)
Fortunately, Michael traveled to Berlin later that year and did a spontaneous artist profile on me, which led to an invitation to exhibit.
The exhibition led to a very proud moment of Never Apart acquiring my work
“Creamy Crack“ for their permanent collection.
I am so so grateful that I got my Never Apart experience.
Thank you Dax and Michael for all that you do.
Wishing you great success in this next chapter!
My highlights:

The Hairs, The Hats and Aunt Fancie
I can’t resist selecting my own exhibition as a highlight.
The entire experience was one of the best moments of my career.
You guys get it!
Your team is so solid and your intentions for the world shine so bright.
What a dream space to honour my Great-Aunt Fancie in!
To honor the women who got me here!
Like so many women of that era, my Aunt Fancie didn’t get the credit she deserved for her contributions to society.
That night she received her honour. She would’ve been so proud of that moment.

Collective Culture: Blackness & Art – Identity in the Age of Social Revolution
It was so important to hear the experiences Mel D. Cole had during his documentation of the Black Lives Matter rallies.
These guys are heroes, our movements must be properly documented for future generations. The truth has to be told.
I adored Destiny Belgrave’s intentions of black tenderness in her work.
She mentioned in the discussion that her identity shapes her experiences, and I caught myself screaming “YES!“
I felt that.

Naturally, I adore this title.
Sometimes titles have the power to shift something and this title does just that.
I live this title!
I remember viewing this exhibition virtually and I immediately felt all intentions of the works.
The glory is in us!
An incredibly important message and beautiful selection of artists by Hanna and Harry of Never was Average.

Never was Average Artist and Curator interviews
Joy is the Future.
Joy is the present and Joy is the past.
You decide what you want to do with it. – Harry Julmice
I rewound this section of the interview a few times, so that it could marinate.

James Tuitt’s paintings immediately spoke to me because I saw myself.
The black woman as the fashion icon naturally inspires me.
All of my heroes are black women who were brave.
They went out into the world as their ultimate selves and they often used dressing as a tool.
It was protection. It was self-liberation. It was power.
These types of images are rarely celebrated in popular culture and I was so so excited to see this.
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