Shaping the Past: Missing Black Technofossil Here (Video)
The multidisciplinary Canadian artist Quentin VerCetty invited the public to follow him on a virtual walking tour in downtown Montreal, in which the city’s monuments were to be reimagined by highlighting neglected Black biographies.
This was followed by a small online reflection workshop, inviting participants to speculate with the artist on the past, present and future of monuments and the representation of black people in public space.
Missing Black Technofossil Here is a public space intervention and conversation proposed by multidisciplinary Canadian artist and Monument Lab fellow Quentin VerCetty. Featuring a performance by multidisciplinary artist Laurie Rose Dauphine, as well as an introduction by Paul Farber, Director of the Monument Lab in Philadelphia.
More information about Missing Black Technofossil Here is available at
This event was part of the ongoing project Shaping the Past, a partnership of the Goethe-Institut North America, Monument Lab, and the Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung (Federal Agency for Civic Education). The project connects to the activist and artistic work of local, national, and transnational movements as a reflection of memory culture and discusses new perspectives on forms of memory. More information here:
Presented by Goethe-Institut Montreal, Never Apart, Monument Lab and the Federal Agency for Civic Education.
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