Radio Never Apart Episode 10: Chi Chi Valenti

In episode 10 of Radio Never Apart, Jordan King interviews Chi Chi Valenti.
A true legend in New York nightlife, Chi Chi was a part of some magical periods in New York nightlife beginning in the 1980s. She co-founded the weekly Jackie 60 party as well as the annual Night of a Thousand Stevies, a Stevie Nicks tribute event, which would have celebrated its 30th anniversary this year.
Jordan King is a Canadian artist currently based in New York. Each month she will be interviewing guests and discussing topics ranging from LGBTQ+ nightlife, sustainability initiatives within fashion, intergenerational conversations among artists and creatives, as well as collaborations among independent entrepreneurs and creative professionals. Find her here.
Photo: Chi Chi onstage at The Jackie Factory’s Night of 1000 Stevies 25 at Irving Plaza, 2015 Video still by Jeremy Rocklin/New York Lives TV

Photo: The Jackie Factory

Photo: Johnny Dynell (left) and Chi Chi Valenti at the Jackie 60 closing night, 1999 Photo by Paul Brissman for the unreleased documentary, The Last Jackie
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