Rising: 50 Years and Going Strong in the Fight for Equality
We are extremely excited to announce the premiere of “Rising -50 Years and going strong in the fight for equality” documentary produced by Never Apart for Out TV’s Outspoken documentary series. The film follows some of the different artists and organizations we worked with during our Summer exhibitions as we celebrated 50 years of Stonewall worldwide and the Decriminalization act here in Canada. Please tune into Out TV and on-line at OutTVGO.com on Thursday April 9th at 9pm ET to watch!
2019 was a very significant celebration for LGBTQ+ rights internationally with the 50 year anniversary of Stonewall and in Canada the the 50th anniversary of the Criminal Law Amendment Act (also known as Bill C-150) Many will argue that these events are not the origins of the Queer rights movement as many strides were made prior to 1969 and the Stonewall riot but this is defiantly an anniversary worth celebrating when the world finally took note and the fight for equality began on a global level.
Around the planet events took place commemorating this silver anniversary and here in Montreal at Centre Never Apart we programmed our Summer exhibitions to coincide with this monumental occasion.
This film documents the important work we showcased in our galleries and also follows folks in Toronto, Vancouver and New York city where World Pride and Stonewall 50 parades, festivities and protests took place.
We hear from different artists here in North America on their perspectives of the Queer movement and how these events from 50 years ago have influenced their works and what has to happen to ensure the fight for equality continues.
We get a German perspective of the movement with the Queer as German Folk Exhibition produced by The Goethe Institute which happened across the planet in major cities and was influenced by the event thats took place at Stonewall.

Edited by Caitlin Gilbert
Georg Lochmann, Katja Melzer, Uwe Rau of The Goethe-Institut.
Peter Rehberg of the Schwules Museum in Berlin.
Luwayne Glass aka Dreamcrusher NYC based performance artist.
Elle Flanders Toronto filmmaker , artist and activist.
Adrienne Huard, Lindsay Nixon, asinnajaq and Dayna Danger of gijiit and artists Lacie Burning and Léuli Eshraghi.
Joe Average Canadian Painter
Julien Johnson of Project 10
Chauncey Dandridge of The Stonewall Inn
Artists: Eloisa Aquino, Jenny Lin, Jen Leigh Fisher, Danny Gaudreault, Lamathilde, Kinga Michalska, Candace Mooers, Andrew Tay, Florence Yee, Véronique Boilard, Virginie Jourdain, kimura byol-nathalie lemoine., Julianne Pidduck, Suzanne Girard, MP Grenier, Lynne Trépanier.
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