Legend Series: Bruce LaBruce

Bruce Labruce is an iconic artist and envelope-shredding film-making legend who continues to push the boundaries of film convention. The Canadian multi-disciplinary artist has remained at the forefront of underground and alternative culture for the past few decades, producing critically acclaimed work.
From his early days as co-editor of the Homo Core fanzine J.D’s, he has consistently created and penned provocative work that shatters convention. His work consistently pushes the boundaries of pornography and art, which has added to his notoriety and allure. Cinmeatic highlights include short films and unforgettable features like No Skin Off My Ass, Hustler White, The Raspberry Reich, Otto: Or Up With Dead People, L.A. Zombie, Gerontophillia, and his latest Pierrot Lunaire.
Legend Series — Artist Talks
Never Apart’s Legend Series is an ongoing program of interactive and multi-disciplinary seminars geared towards educating the public about GBLT culture, community, and history.
We invite our favourite pioneers and trail-blazing artists to discuss their body of work in an intimate and stimulating setting, celebrating their artistic achievements, and engaging attendees in a uniquely insightful and inspiring discourse.