
Best Of: Design

Written by

Mike Durcak
February 9th, 2022


Looking back at the various seasons of print and digital work that have crossed my desk, it’s the big challenges that stand out: establishing the Centre’s identity across multiple products and formats, launching and promoting the NVA brand, and finding a common visual language to unify the wide range of collaboration and events represented by Never Apart’s programming.

On any given day, Never Apart might be doing a techno party, Pride event, cooking class, or artist talk. The process of trying to establish a common ground visually that could represent such variety under a single banner has been a journey to say the least, full of fun design challenges, surprising solutions and fantastic collaborations. My thanks go out to all the great people I’ve been able to work with over these years!

In no particular order, this is some of the work that still feels resonant after all this time:

NVA Equinox & Solstice

Promotional material for NVA events that celebrate getting in synch with each other and our planet. I am still extremely grateful to Dax for approving the budget for the silver ink for our first Equinox work!

Spring/Summer 2020 Flyers

This loose typographic treatment was great for letting key parts of the image peek through where needed and allowing the text to stay big and playful.

Never Apart Centre

Yearbooks! Wall text! Pamphlets! Posters! Pricelists! Buttons! Signage! Floorplans! The variety and volume of different design deliverables for the Centre provided many memorable opportunities for creativity.

Violet Hour Book Club

My attempts to visualize what a book-party might look like.

2016 NVA Flyers

Collage and found-image fun from Year 2.

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