MAPP 2017 – Invisible exposition Micro-Mapping
Exposition de micro-mapping
MAPP 2017 – Invisible exposition Micro-Mapping
MAPP MTL Fri Oct 6th 5-8pm
Vernissage INVISIBLE micro-mapping exhibition
MAPP MTL Sat Oct 7 12-5pm
Composite #11
As part of its INVISIBLE event, MAPP MTL presents a series of micro-mapping art pieces at the Never Apart’s galerie spaces. This exhibit, consisting exclusively of new work and Canadian premieres, features artists, illustrators, and motion designers who have tackled this creative medium on the basis of its specificities and qualities. Micro-mapping allows for a new layer of meaning to be added and revealed to images or static objects, be it abstract or narrative. This results in original pieces where matter and photons have become truly inseparable.
INVISIBLE has been made possible thanks to the support of the Conseil des arts de Montréal, the Rosemont-La Petite-Patrie Borough, Never Apart, and XYZ Cultural Technology. The exhibit has been curated by Thien Vu Dang, artistic director at MAPP_MTL, Jean-Sébastien Baillat, director of creation at Baillat Studio, and Alain Thibault, director of creation at ELEKTRA.
Upper Gallery:
OMBRE by Collectif Blackbox (QC; CA), an interactive projection which generates a poetic universe from the shadows created by the hands of the participants.
CULT by Tommy Caron, Alex Guimet (QC; CA) With this installation CULT presents the one sided aspect of the relationship between a protagonist and the object of his cult. A blinded unbalanced relationship that leads to forget yourself.
ILLUSTRATIONS AUGMENTÉES #1-2-3 by Cécil Gariépy (QC;CA), Martine Frossard (QC; CA), Taïla Khampo (QC; CA), Eric Gagnon (QC; CA), and Fabricio Lima (BRA), a playful encounter of illustrations and mapping projections.
Upper Gallery B (galerie supérieure B)
PASSING LIGHT by Naoto Hiéda, Jerome Delapierre, Michael Montanaro, Tatev Yesayan (QC; CA), a metal surface miraculously balances in a darkened room. As the human gets closer, the precarious balance is disrupted and affected by his or her presence, creating a cascade of light that falls into a black hole.
Upper Gallery C
UNFOLD 01 by Can Buyukberber (TUR), the Unfold series is an ongoing experimentation inspired by the morphogenesis phenomenon—the biological process that causes an organism to develop its shape.
LINES by Alexandre Saulnier (FR) Blurring the lines between mapping and light installation, Lines takes over the venue’s architecture to produce a minimalist light structure that connects the various areas surrounding the mezzanine. The installation capitalizes on the audience’s movements in order to create moire optical effects.
EXTRA in the garden space
LASER by Hugo Laliberté (QC, CA), Joe Jeanson (QC; CA) and Jean-Sébastien Baillat (QC; CA), will surprise us in the garden space with laser projections in the Never Apart pool presented only of the vernissage on 5 October.
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