No Gender: Closing Open House and Artist Talk

This is the last day to view the NO GENDER exhibition in our galleries. We will be conducting and artist talk with Sylvain Tremblay at 2:30 pm with an audience Q&A. This is a wonderful to chance to talk with the artist about this important exhibit.
Paintings and Film by Sylvain Tremblay
Gallery A, B, C and Theatre.
« Tout a commencé au Vietnam il y a plus de quinze ans, alors que j’accompagnais un organisme d’adoption dans un orphelinat. On m’a mis dans les bras un bébé dit hermaphrodite. Autour de nous, les médecins discutaient de son cas : qu’allaient-ils en faire, une fille ou un garçon?
Cet événement m’a marqué à jamais. »
“It all started in Vietnam more than fifteen years ago when I accompanied an adoption agency on a visit to an orphanage. A baby referred to as a ‘hermaphrodite’ was placed in my arms. All around us, doctors were discussing what they were going to make this baby into, a girl or a boy? This moment made an indelible mark on me.”
Sylvain Tremblay
Also on display: The Sun Room, The Invite, Colour by Icons, and The Moon Room.
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