LGBT Film Series: Studlebrity
Today there seems to be a new Social Celebrity every time we go online. We are inundated with guys famous for… well we don’t really know what. But they have over 10,000 followers on Twitter and when they post a carefully posed shirtless shot on Instagram they have an army of followers giving it an enthusiastic thumbs-up. His handsome face and sculpted physique have helped pave the way to a charmed life – or at least that’s the only part he’ll ever reveal on his social network.
He’s pretty. He knows it. And he wants to share every moment of his pretty life with you.
Studlebrity is sun soaked, saturated with color and sweat, and filmed in a high paced, glossy magazine style. Using a combination of archival video and photos from our studs in conjunction with new original interview and photo-shoot style footage we’ve created a layered look at this unique male mayhem.
Director Charlie David will be in attendance and after the film there will be a Q&A hosted by Michael Venus
LGBT Film Series
On-site Events geared to LGBT people to promote a positive lifestyle and a safe environment with unique programming and educational screenings to broaden and elevate minds while also building community.
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