
Art POP and Never Apart present G.R.O.S.S., a group show that revels in the guck, ooze, rot, leaks, and stray hairs, featuring artists Tricia Middleton, Nadine Faraj, Rebecca Storm and Jana Sterbak.
Art POP and Never Apart present G.R.O.S.S., a group show featuring artists Tricia Middleton, Nadine Faraj, Rebecca Storm and Jana Sterbak. Who decides that we can’t make a mess? Or what kind of mess we can’t make? This all-female exhibition revels in the guck, ooze, rot, leaks, and stray hairs. Working in diverse practices ranging from sculpture, photography to painting, these four artists have no qualms about getting gross. We get flashes of morbid decay, monstrous overgrowth, carnal slime and grotesque (female) bodies – suggesting various states of degradation but also transformation. We wonder, where does revulsion become attraction? Are these works unfeminine? And ultimately, why stay with entry-level tastes like cheese pizza when you can eat sh*& like raw oyster the size of your face?
Curated by Robb Jamieson and Tao Fei

Nadine Faraj is a New York-based artist. She received her MFA from the School of Visual Arts in 2015, and her BFA from Concordia University in 2002.
Nadine Faraj est une artiste basée à New York. Elle a obtenu un diplôme d’études supérieures en beaux-arts de la School of Visual Arts en 2015 et un baccalauréat en beaux-arts de l’Université Concordia en 2002.

Tricia Middleton was born in Vancouver and currently lives and works in Paris. She completed her MFA at Concordia University in 2005.
Originaire de Vancouver, Tricia Middleton réside et travaille à Paris. Elle a obtenu un diplôme d’études supérieures en beaux-arts de l’Université Concordia en 2005.

Jana Sterbak was born in Prague, Czechoslovakia and immigrated in 1968 to Canada as a teenager with her parents. In 2012 she was awarded a Governor General’s Award for Visual and Media Arts.
Née à Prague, en Tchécoslovaquie, Jana Sterbak a immigré au Canada avec ses parents durant son adolescence. En 2012, elle a reçu le Prix du Gouverneur général en arts visuels et en arts médiatiques.

Rebecca Storm grew up in the Pacific Northwest and now lives and works in Montreal as an editor and photographer. She has completed her BFA at Concordia University in 2013
Rebecca Storm est originaire de la côte Nord-Ouest du Pacifique mais elle habite et travaille à Montréal comme éditrice et photographe. Elle a complété son baccalauréat des Beaux Arts à L’Université de Concordia en 2013.

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