Never Apart TV: Season 2 Never Apart TV is an arts and culture news program giving a much needed voice to queer artists. Never Apart is a cultural organization with…
Age of Union They are part of the world, soak it in, and put themselves at risk to better feel it. Artists challenge reality, filtering the world through…
Terra Sapiens When it comes to climate change there is an overwhelming representation of dystopian realities. Focusing only on the catastrophic effects of man-made climate change can…
Délusions botaniques Rihab Essayh’s project Délusions botaniques presents a virtual figure attempting to attract the viewer into her botanical enviroment which is sterile, ambiguous and artificial. The…
J’attends le temps/I wait for the time Rojin Shafiei is an Iranian artist living and working in Montreal. In her videos, art is a vehicle for the translation of cultural messages and…
Shadows to Silver/Nuance “As an artist, I use my camera as a tool to look at people and my surroundings again for the first time. My objective is…
NEGOTIATION An experimental art film that showcases a poetic, abstract, and physical exploration of black masculinity through contemporary movement and archival audio.
TransFormation From a queer and decolonial perspective, I question the channels of social domination and the various forms of control in modern societies, focusing primarily on…
House of Venus / Wiggle 25 Year Anniversary Retrospective Conceived by The House of Venus in 1994 with the Arts Council of Windsor, “Wiggle” was born as an annual runway and performance event where…
Parallel Realities: Micro-Mapping Exhibition by MAPP_MTL PARALLEL REALITIES is the 3rd edition of the micro-mapping exhibition by MAPP_MTL. The works raise questions about our perceptions of reality by exploring alternative visions…
Invalid (leslueurs) INVALID (leslueurs), the first solo exhibit of Montreal multidisciplinary artist Marilou Lyonnais Archambault, is a retrospective exhibit of these two most recent works and visual…
Filtrate FILTRATE is the culmination of a two year multidisciplinary collaboration, exploring physical isolation and digital connectivity.
Noir Paintings ‘Noir Paintings’ is a subversion of the 1940’s-1950’s world the original posters inhabit. The scenes are reframed and scrutinized through a queer lens. In a…
Trinità The underlying theme in my work is to explore the distance between presumption and certainty. By presenting a dimensional arrangement on a flat plane, it…
Portraits Austin Young presents Images from his long and celebrated career in portrait photography. Young is more accurately described as an image-maker: his projects illustrate the…
Two-Spirit Man/Two-Spirit Woman Call Home the Salmon w/Help We exist as the collectively “woke” in epoch – a period of time in which striking things happen. We witness the last of seemingly omnipresent…
Canadian Animalize This is the second Animalize collection which features colorful majestic animals with eyes that inspire. To animalize means to arouse sensuality found in nature. By…
Canadiana Icons Celebrating Canadian Identity, Icons and contemporary Montreal artists is the inspiration behind this project. Never Apart’s Executive Director Michael Venus has hand picked ten queer…
Never Apart TV Season 1 Episodes 1-6 Never Apart TV is an arts and culture news program giving a much needed voice to queer artists.
Cut-Outs The work also serves as an investigation into my own identity and the dislocation I’ve inherited. My parents are from two countries and my grandparents…
The Ramboys: A Bookless Novel The Ramboys: A Bookless Novel depicts a fictional promiscuous boy culture with mythic and mystic overtones. Likened to Beaudelaire’s bastard novel wherein there is no…
[DES]Équilibres A perfect example of existential unravellings exposing the delicate balance of all life forms, the accident signals a disruption, a breakdown in meaning on the…
FEMALE A collection of self-captioned portraits and audio recordings of women from around the world, FEMALE seeks to understand the female identity, searching for collective truths…
Love Sick Through the use of modern technologies, we have once again, started using images and symbols to communicate complicated and nuanced ideas and feelings to one…
Traces of Life: A journey between Canada and South Asia जीवन के निशान कनाडा से दक्षिण एशिया की यात्रा Traces weave the world, our culture, the memory that inhabit us. Anonymous or known, everyone participates in these traces; this infinite colour that braids the…
When put into a specific category, the subject might (will) lose its colours and specificity. When put into a specific category, the subject might (will) lose its colours and specificity deals with the idea of subjectivation; when does an individual…
Infinite Essence Infinite Essence is artist Mikael Owunna’s exploration of the connections between the black body, the cosmos, universe and the eternal in the face of a…
Sino(n)-Québécoise? 余承佳 Where are you from? Negotiating between alienation and self-acceptance, the exhibition Sino(n)-Québécoise? questions both the misguided idea of belonging into settler society, and our historical…
Lost Love A story of young love, interrupted by a sudden suicide, constitutes the premise of the book Lost Love. Drawing from a personal experience, tied in…
Invisible As part of its INVISIBLE event, MAPP MTL presents a series of micro-mapping art pieces at the Never Apart’s galerie spaces. This exhibit, consisting exclusively…
We Live In A Fantasy We Live In A Fantasy depicts artists Claire Milbrath and Callan Ponsford using the language of painting to articulate dream-like scenarios.
Portrait of an Artist “A fascinating group of interviews with major women artists from around the world, Hugo Huerta Marin’s thoughtful Portrait of an Artist explores in an intimate…
Hello, City! Join speculative architect Liam Young and an all-seeing smart city operating system, as they take a tour in a driverless taxi through a network of…
Aires Aires is a contemplative visit inside a structure which straddles the line between a sanctuary and a corporate space.
Head On Head On is an exhibition of meticulously hand-woven, hand-dyed wool tapestries depicting intimate portraits of sexuality and trauma, subjects often considered socially taboo.
CELLS: A Poetry Installation And Durational Performance From July to August 2017, Jordan Brown and Alisha Mascarenhas will inhabit Galleries B and C on a weekly basis for a durational performance of…
Femme Realness A celebration of The effeminate gay male. The poof, the sissy and the peacocks of the LGBTQ2+ community.
(Something) with a decorative edge. “(Something) with a decorative edge.” is the border between consideration and consumption.
Colour By Icons 2.0 Colour by Icons is a colouring book project and gallery exhibit that aims to restore the importance of queer history and role models through an…
Wiggle Exhibit The wearable art and performance festival celebrates it’s 22nd year and 2nd year in Montreal at Never Apart. The display celebrates the annual extravaganza with…
Notre héritage By creating our own lesbian print magazine, we decided to search the Montreal LGBTQ archives and meet women involved in various publications of the time.
Losing Face Andrew Moncrief’s paintings look at the way we depict ourselves to the world on the online stage, for consumption by a distant and unknown audience.
Risen Risen is a self portrait documentary short about my personal navigation through experiences of post trauma. I chose to explore this subject matter through the…
182 Days Harkening back to still life motifs, landscape, and the influence of tableau, ‘182 Days’ serves as a launching point for a new chapter of ideas…
Two-Spirit Sur-Thrivance and the Art of Interrupting Narratives Two-Spirit is an umbrella term used to encapsulate diverse lived experiences of gender fluidity and sexualities as they intersect with Indigenous bodies, spiritualities, communities, relationships,…
Regimen Capturing the medicinal regimens of 100 young women living in urban capitals, Regimen (2015—2017) reflects on a general pressure in Western society for people, notably…
Reluctantly Queer This epistolary short film invites us into the unsettling life of a young Ghanaian man struggling to reconcile his love for his mother with his…